Theo Space Miner

In this physics-based puzzle game, you traverse the universe and gather minerals for the people of Earth. The game was released on iOS but is currently unavailable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯





Theo is a space miner. He travels to planets and collects minerals so that people can continue living on Earth.


This is the ship on which Theo travels through space. Theo keeps all collected minerals on it.


Theo needs to travel to some very distant planets so he needs a specific amount of fuel.

Theo Space Miner is a physics and logic-based puzzle / arcade game. Player's mission is to collect minerals and fuel on planets full of space machines that have different abilities. On each planet player will face a variety of space machines on his way to collect minerals. Example obstacles: gravity pusher will dislocate player in a random direction, radar will shoot a bullet in ship's direction when it is detected. Player will also encounter machines that help him avoid obstacles - bounce pads can be used to maneuver around obstacles, transport pads will help moving the ship to positions that can't be reached otherwise. Each planet contains new mineral type to collect and each mineral acts differently. For example Cosmica's mineral can teleport itself so that it is difficult to gather, Babata's mineral can only be collected when visible. All those elements put together create unforgettable and unique gameplay experience full of new mechanics and puzzles to solve. Players can advance to another level by collecting all minerals and flying trough the portal. To unlock other planets the required number of fuel needs to be collected.


  • Physics-based gameplay
  • 4 planets (100 levels)
  • Hand drawn backgrounds
  • Original music and sound effects
  • Easy to learn and difficult to master
  • Lots of achievements to complete
  • iCloud synchronization so your game progress will be saved across all your devices
  • No ads or in-app purchases
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